Classic Glazed Doughnut Recipe
Classic Glazed Doughnut Recipe

Classic Glazed Doughnut Recipe (Homemade)

3 minutes, 5 seconds Read

Hello lovely people, well today you all gonna guess the recipe I am going to share by just one word and that is classic. Yes, you all are absolutely right it’s Doughnuts. I think Doughnut is among very few things that all groups of people like. As time passes many new things come up that tastes amazing but the place Doughnut carries in our heart is just irreplaceable. You can feel my thoughts as we all share the same feeling for doughnuts. I have not met any person yet who can say no to doughnuts even if there is then I am not friends with them. Just kidding.

Best Classic Glazed Doughnut Recipe

Classic Glazed Doughnut Recipe

If you are looking for a perfect homemade easy-to-cook doughnut recipe then you are at the perfect place. Following this recipe you will cook the best fluffy, spongy, and tasty glazed doughnuts. The soft, airy, sweet, and slightly crunchy doughnuts will satisfy all your cravings. This recipe is very easy to follow and you can cook it by following the recipe. If you are cooking for your loved ones then you can never go wrong with the doughnuts. These classic glazed doughnuts are suitable for all occasions whether it is a birthday, New Year, or Christmas.

Ingredients :

  • Milk
  • Active dry yeast
  • Granulated sugar
  • All-purpose flour
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • 2 eggs
  • Powder sugar for glaze
  • Vanilla extract
  • Vegetable oil

So let’s start the tour of preparing glazed doughnuts :

  1. Take 240ml of milk and warm it at 110 degrees Fahrenheit for five minutes. Then take it off and put 1 tbsp granulated sugar and 2 packets of active dry yeast which is 4 and 1/2 tbsp in total.
  2. Stir it and keep it aside until it becomes nice and fluffy.
  3. Then take a bowl and put 6 tbsp butter which is 85g in total and microwave it for 4 minutes.
  4. Now, add 50g granulated sugar and 2 whole eggs to the bowl and mix it with whisker until it becomes smooth.
  5. Pour the yeast mixture and stir it then add 540g of all-purpose flour along with a pinch of salt.
  6. Knead it until the dough becomes smooth and nice.
  7. Take off the dough on a plain surface and knead it with your hand for 10 more minutes. The dough should be smooth as well as a little stringy and elastic.
  8. Now, take a bowl and grease it with oil, and then put the mixture inside it and keep it for an hour.
  9. The dough will be double in size, knead it for 2 minutes and then roll it on a flat surface (approx 1/2 inch thick).
  10. Then using a circle cookie cutter cut it out and put it on a sheet of paper then let it set for 40 min in a warm cozy place.
  11. For frying doughnuts, heat any vegetable oil and fry them on medium-low flame until they become golden brown.
  12. Next, put the fried doughnuts onto a paper towel so that excess oil can drain off.
  13. Now the most important part i.e., doughnut glaze. Take a bowl and put 360g powdered sugar, 6 tbsp milk, and 1/2 tbsp vanilla extract. Mix it to make it thin drizzling consistency.
  14. Take the doughnut one by one and dip it in the glaze.

Your classic glazed doughnut is ready. Serve it when it cools down. This recipe is time- consuming but you can give some of your time to fulfill your craving. This glazed doughnut is worth your precious time. I have tried to make this recipe the easiest way possible. I assure you it will give you heartwarming feeling. So give it a try and don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment box. Thank you so much to go through this article I assure you it will satisfy your craving.

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