Perfect Cheesecake Recipe (Dreamy Dessert)

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Hello friends, are you searching for a delicious cheesecake recipe so you landed on the good article. Today I am going to share one of my favorite recipes for cheesecake. Well nowadays we are focusing on healthy life, but in between keeping ourselves healthy, we should not forget to treat ourselves.

This recipe makes a creamy and perfect cheesecake with a base of buttery graham crackers. You have to follow below given easy steps to make a yummy and delicious cake within a few hours. Cheese and graham crackers are important ingredients of this recipe so use a good brand of all the ingredients for a delicious taste and heavenly treat. So read the below article carefully.

Best Cheesecake Recipe


Below are the important ingredients which are going to be used in this recipe. You have to keep in mind that always use the best quality of each ingredient to make the taste perfect. I have divided the cheesecake recipe ingredients into 3 parts according to their layering.

For the crust :

  1. 120g biscuits (graham crackers)
  2. 60g melted butter
  3. 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  4. 1/2 tablespoons lemon zest

For the filling

  1. 400g full-fat cheese at room temperature
  2. 120g granulated sugar
  3. 200g sour cream
  4. 150ml heavy cream
  5. 2 eggs
  6. 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  7. 1.5 tablespoons vanilla extract
  8. 1/4 lemon juice

Raspberry sauce

  1. 200g raspberry
  2. 40g granulated sugar
  3. 1 tablespoons water


We will start by preparing the base which is graham crackers crust

Put all the biscuits(graham crackers) in a food processor or blender and blend until it turns into powder, then add 60g of melted butter in it and mix it properly after that add 2tbsp of granulated sugar and half tbsp lemon zest. Blend all of it together for another minute. Place the mixture in a springform pan and layer it evenly creating edges on the wall of the springform pan. Bake the crust for 10 min then put it aside at room temperature to cool it down.

Now, make the cheesecake batter

Take 400g full-fat cheese in a big bowl and add 120g of granulated sugar to it. Give it a good mix with a blender or whisk then add 200g of sour cream, it will give a perfect flavor to the cake. Blend it again and add 150ml of heavy cream and give it a mix. Next, we will add 2 eggs one by one while mixing them so that they can blend properly with the cheese. We will need some cornstarch also in this batter so that our cheesecake batter gets stabilized. Use 2 tbsp of cornstarch and 1.5 tbsp of vanilla extract in the batter and blend it properly. We will finish the batter by adding 1/4 of lemon juice to it. After mixing it adequately pour the mixture into the springform pan which already has the base of graham crackers crust and always remember to wrap the pan in aluminum foil so that water doesn’t get inside the batter while giving waterbath to the cake.

We will create a waterbath for the cheesecake. To do so, take a pan and add some water to it, and settle it in an oven for 5 mins. After that when the water gets hot, safely put the springform pan onto the boiling water pan. Now, bake it for 30 min at 180 degrees Celcius, then reduce the temperature to 150 degrees Celsius and bake for another 30 min.

Turn off the oven and slightly open it and leave the cheesecake inside the oven for another hour then refrigerate it for 5-6 hours.

Prepare raspberry sauce(optional)

Take around 200g of raspberry and 40g of granulated sugar mix it in 1 tbsp of water and microwave it for 4 min. Stain the sauce.

Remove the cheesecake from the pan then cut it slightly. Top it with the raspberry sauce, we can also add a few fresh raspberries to make it look more delicious.

And your cheesecake is ready to be served. Enjoy it with your family and friends.

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